2025 Is Calling And She Wants You To Shake The Table, Sis
It's time to shift some wigs, mainly your own
Hey y’all,
I hope the holiday season has been off to a warm, relaxing, and community-filled start!
I just got back from Ft. Lauderdale (which surprised me as a city—she cute!) in sunny Ms. Florida where I attended one of the most rewarding conferences I’ve been to in awhile: Black Travel Summit.
Have you ever had that feeling of pure ease because you’re finally in the right room? That’s how I felt—like I was around my people. Up until now, I had pretty much sworn off conferences. There are a number of reasons why, but ultimately, I never felt like they provided the value I was looking for. I’ve gone to most of the ones aimed at Black professionals, and while I’ll make connections, I feel like the session content has never really spoken to me.
That wasn’t the case at all with BTS! I met so many amazing writers, creators, and entrepreneurs that I already have plans to work with in the future. I’ve learned a ton of tips and tricks when it comes to writing, editing, and the Black travel industry at large. I got to see my girl Delisha, founder of BLK Getaway, pitch her business during the Black Travel Business Pitch Competition, and cheer on my other girl Tenille, who won Travel Journalist of the Year!
Also, I finally got to wear this gorgeous grid ombre gown that I’ve been itching to wear for months. It’s a little too novelty for weddings and a bit too much for brunch, but it was perfect for the awards gala ceremony. All in all, I can’t wait for their next one in Rio de Janeiro!
This Week’s Story
We’re trying something brand new this week! I’m excited to share Carefree Mag’s ever interview with CEO, appointee to President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama, & world traveler Shonda Scott. She is the founder of 12 New Things, a movement dedicated to embracing change and getting out of your comfort zone. I’m excited to share her inspiring story, one that we can all relate to, no matter where we are in life.
Anayo Awuzie
EIC of Carefree Media
PS. Should we find more carefree Black women to interview? I’d love your feedback on this one!
12 Months, 12 Challenges: Shonda Scott’s Bold Experiment in Turning Fear Into Adventure
by Anayo Awuzie
As the end of the year zooms towards us, it’s easy to get wrapped up in trying to score last-minute deals for future Christmas gifts, wrapping up those pesky end-of-year work assignments, and unplugging until New Year’s Day. While relaxation for what has been a long and somewhat confusing year (hello, election season) is well-warranted, for many of us, the end of the year calls for something more intentional: reflection.
What did you enjoy about this year? What didn’t go so well? What do you want to focus on next year? How do you want to evolve as a person? We all love being comfortable, but how would it feel to really embody the “new year, new me” mentality and try something new—completely out of your comfort zone?
When I got the chance to connect with Shonda Scott, a well-traveled business mogul, community advocate, and presidential appointee, I adored her story. Scott is not only an established Black woman kicking ass as a consultant for the likes of BET, Uber, and Kaiser, but she also doesn’t shy away from adventure and living life carefree. A duality we all strive for.
On her birthday in 2019, she realized she needed to shake things up. After neglecting herself for far too long, she had a breakthrough and decided that she’d had enough of putting everyone’s needs above her own. So, she did what any fed up Black woman would do: shake the table. She decided over the next 12 months she would try one new thing every month. She coined it 12 New Things and embarked on a year of new adventures full of risks, fun, and most importantly, following the beat of her own drum—no one else’s.
“That birthday marked a fresh start for me. It was a conscious choice to put a priority on change and self-renewal. It’s my way of committing to trying new things and helping me to stay open to growth and change, both personally and professionally,” says Scott.
In an interview with Carefree Mag, I chat with Shonda about pushing past fear, embracing change, and the 12 New Things movement.
Anayo, Carefree Mag: You mention falling into habitual patterns and really wanting to shake that up. How can people begin to break out of that cycle?
Shonda Scott: It’s about starting small. Just commit to one new thing. Once you make that commitment, it becomes easier to find time for yourself and break old habits. It’s funny, but self-care can be mistaken as selfishness. But I don’t agree. I think it’s essential for growth. It can help you become the best version of yourself.
Absolutely! Starting something new is rarely easy. Can you share any possible setbacks or difficulties you faced when getting started with this challenge?
Shonda: Getting started is the easy part; the challenges for me came in the middle. Some things I committed to for the fun of it oftentimes came with unexpected hurdles that I had to get through in order to get to the blessings on the other side. The 12 New Things lifestyle helps to condition your mind to embrace change and the obstacles that may come with joy, even when the road gets tough.
Embracing change is a muscle that must be developed. It’s scary, but can also be very fun. What has been your favorite "thing" to conquer of the 12 New Things you've tried? What has been the most challenging?
Shonda: I’ve had so many incredible experiences! Skiing indoors in Dubai was a long-time dream and something that took planning to accomplish. It was definitely one of my favorites. Camping with my family at Yosemite was also memorable, even though it was spontaneous. As for the most challenging, my open ocean swim stands out for sure. Halfway through I had a panic attack. Pushing through that fear was transformative and taught me a lot about how internal fears can hold us back in life.
I’m so happy you pushed yourself, and made it through on the other side. More than ever before, many young women are looking to take non-traditional life paths. Why is it important to try new things?
Shonda: Trying new things allows you to overcome fear. Fear can be such a deterrent to personal growth. I’ve seen how it can be a “dream-killer” and hold people back from experiencing life fully. Taking small steps outside your comfort zone builds confidence and opens up possibilities you may have never imagined. I think it’s key to personal development. You really never know what you’re capable of unless you try. So go out and try! You could surprise yourself.
Since completing the challenge, I love how you've turned 12 New Things into a movement for others to participate in. What feedback have you received from people after stepping out of their comfort zone?
Shonda: I’m surprised at how many people really want to change and have found the 12 New Things has offered them a blueprint. Folks that have signed up for the 12 New Things lifestyle have told me that they found that the commitment to doing something new and different once a month has changed their world and life for the better. Those in the 60+ club have shared with me that committing to the lifestyle has given them a zest for life again. They realized there’s still more for them to do and learn.
The "winter arc" is trending online, where people maximize the last few months of the year to reach their goals. If someone wanted to try something new before the new year, how would you recommend they get started?
Shonda: Since we’re on the subject of fear and how it can kill dreams, I’d say take a look at something that has possibly been deterred by fear or something that you always wanted to do but were afraid to just jump right in. Make a list. Then you could look at the list and see what might be the most confrontable to do. The least “scary.” Maybe that could be something to try. Or you could even start smaller. Something simple that’s just on the border of your comfort zone. It’s the initial step that’s important. After that, it gets easier.
There is a compounding effect when you start small and simple but are consistent. How do you see 12 New Things growing in the future?
I’d love to see it grow into something much bigger than myself. A global movement, a phenomenon that inspires people from all walks of life. I’m working on expanding it through books, media, and community events. I have a website (12newthings.com) where people can join as members. I’m excited that a community has been built around it.
My goal is for 12 New Things to become a resource that encourages people to get out and embrace adventure and experience life with fresh eyes. I feel it’s transformative. It has been for me. And I'd love to see more people around the globe have a similar experience. To discover that same thrill of getting out of their comfort zones. At the end of the day, I hope this movement is generational and helps people to maintain mental wellness, grow professionally, and live their very best life.
I’m fully bought in—thank you, Shonda!
Yes. More interviews!
Your dress is beautiful. Yes, I loved this article in an interview style. Would love to see more.